miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

Video Questions, Continued

Video 2:  Ovulation

1.  Where to the cilia transport the egg to?

2.  How long will an egg live for?

Video 3:  Veamos Como Es La Fecundación

1.  According to the video representation, would you say that the amount of sperm should be measured in hundreds, thousands or millions?

2.  Only one sperm successfully enters the egg in the video, what happens to it upon entering the egg?  Which do you suppose contains the sperm's DNA, the tail or the head?

Video 4:  Fetal Growth

1.  How can you make a distinction between an embryo and a fetus

2.  How long is typical human gestation?

3.  Describe how the sex of a baby is determined (hint:  the egg always carries an X chromosome)

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